The experience of offering poems at places where they normally are not seen, indicated that each person is open to poetry even if they are not looking for it or are ven convinced that peoems are not their thing. The contact between maker and public enhanced this experience.
Icons of Passion led to the performance Dance of the Dead Poet which coincided with the founding of the npo.

Sabine Martens
poet, producer, maker of installations and performances

Maker, director, actor and writer of theater and short movies

Marie-Jeanne Bonamie
advisor and supporter
Vision and mission
1. Independent, own and innovative creation
2. Art with words in all possible forms and media
3. Diversity in artists
4. Diversity in locations
5. Divers and small audience
DeadPoet also makes efforts to reach those people who have little or no means to experience art.
Our projects are far from commercial; neither the big crowd nor the big gain are the focus. The intimacy in experiencing the work is an important feature of many projects.
6. Platform
Our base in Ghent
Van Hulthem
Our base at number 20 is part of a mansion built by a single seamstress in 1903. Her story and the one of Karel Van Hulthem have inspired us and led to the performance Vrouw met Boek (Woman with Book) in 2018.
Our base in Brussels
Villa Montald
Villa Montald was built in 1909 and was inhabited by the painter who gave his name to it. He lived there to paint and to give painting lessons. René Magritte was one of his students.